Thursday, April 3, 2008


....are my busy day. We have to be up and organized and out of the house by 9:30 am.
Go ahead and laugh, or roll your eyes. It's a fucking challenge. every week.
It takes an insane amount of preparedness and planning, just to get out of the house at a normal hour, let alone 9:30! But, we make it. (because I'm so organized and I think ahead. And I stay up until 2 in the morning. It's amazing how much I can get done without the kids around.)

Another one of the many hats I wear is that of graphic designer. It's a fairly new undertaking for me and I love it. Slowly, bits of work come in. Yesterday, I got a new job to do - a poster for an Ministry of Children and Family Development-sponsored youth event. And, of course, they kinda needed it about a week ago. So, I'm on it! It's making me neglect my new favourite thing in the world, which is posting stuff here for you. But, I've created a wicked poster.
I'll post a link later for you to see, if anyone's interested. And, if you have any graphic design work for me, email me at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds exciting. I can't see it from work...they blocked it..but I'll look at home.
( I have to say..I am getting a little addicted to your site)

If you think 9:30 one day a week is bad...try 8 am 5 days a week with breakfasts and lunches to make. I am a complete raving lunatic most mornings. But I look damn fine doin' it!! LOL
I've become my mother...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (runs screaming from the room)


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