Thursday, August 28, 2008

Goals starting NOW

1. Drink more water. (Okay, simply "drink water" would suffice, too. Cuz, I suck at this one.)

2. Stop eating the pasta, bread, potato, and rice again. (I was off all starches for a few months leading into early summer, but have been slowly introducing them over the past little while. Now, they seem to be occupying a permanent position and I really want to back off a bit again and make some better choices about the bit of whole grain that I will be eating - like a piece of Squirrely bread here and there, or a bit of Ryvita.)

3. Put in at least one good intense workout here at home each week, to supplement the 2 workouts with Teri. (Ideally, I'd like to be doing 2 workouts at home each week, but I'll start with a more reachable goal like one.)

4. No more sugary sweet treats. (It's all or nothing here, baby. I gotta cut them out for a while again. It seems, lately, I've been giving myself permission all over the place to eat whatever the fuck I want. NO MORE.)


Magnolia said...

I love your goals...if you don't mind...I'll adopt them too...except I'd like to change #3.
Mine will read..
#3. Brisk walk daily for at least 1/2 hour.

I love cloths...fresh stacks of clean paper...a new calendar...and a new attitude with new goals in mind.


I sounds like I'm a kid starting school...but the first day was always exciting for me...and being a "Special Needs Resource Facilitator" (T.A.) allows me to enjoy the "first day" again.

Thanks for setting it in motion J.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me....
I suck at the water too!!!! Why...I do not know.

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