Don't you just feel a little nastier for simply looking? I certainly felt dirty zooming in on him (it) to get the best shot. I so wanted to post this for you yesterday but didn't want to taint my sweet darling's birthday. I also figured that some of you dirty dogs would mistake it for my Sunday Secret and that my reputation would be shot. (okay, so it's not so hot to begin with.... but it's never included animals before, has it?)
Poor Julio. Poor confused Julio. The ewes are in heat and Julio is feeling the love. In all the wrong places.
B.Rube insists that this isn't erect. It hurts my head to even think about.
Poor Julio
Ya gotta get the poor thing a little "donkey girl" to have.
Maybe a little Lucy or something.
Little girl donkeys are called jennies - isn't that cute?
How about a little Jenny?
LMAO at the shrek comment! Can you imagine having to walk around with that thing. Let alone being the poor girl donkey that has to be subjected to that monster of manhood!
LMAO at the shrek comment! Can you imagine having to walk around with that thing. Let alone being the poor girl donkey that has to be subjected to that monster of manhood!
I seriously thought that it was a leg....ewwwwwww (not to be confused with ewe!)
Time for a new J.Rube.
Tired of seeing that "5th Leg" evrytime I check in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to say...I need to move on from the donkey's dinky too. LOL
my husband was wondering why you have a picture of HIM on your blog!! HAHAHA - apparently he hasn't looked in the mirror lately :)
anonymous ec,
Tell your husband he's an ass.
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