I know that many of you were following my 1/2 marathon training last year on facebook, leading up to my first race ever in Las Vegas in December!!, and you won't be disappointed to hear that the training continues with my next big race in Eugene, Oregon on May 1st.
The benefits of having a schedule for training is that I find myself accountable and committed to every single day. Even when it's Friday evening and I'd rather be curled up on the couch balancing a glass of wine in my fingers. I am about 11 weeks away from the run, and into my 2nd week of a 12-week intermediate training plan. I am running 5 days a week, and cross-training on a sixth day, where oftentimes Jillian Michaels
The other thing that keeps me accountable and committed to the training is being able to share my daily accomplishments and tribulations with others. So I plan on continuing to do so here. Thanks for supporting and inspiring me, and I hope I continue to inspire some of you!
A) I find it hard to believe you have and "Trouble Zones"
B) Absolutely you inpsire me, although sad to say I haven't walked 10 steps on my treadmill, so don't think I'll make it to Eugene for the 1/4 Marathon.
D) clear your inbox....my e-mail bounced back that's it's full.
Have a geat weekend and hello to all the Rubes'
L <3 O <3 V <3 E <3 !!
I too am super inspired by you J.Rube!! I got hooked on Roasted Kale Chips and Bikram and sooooo wish I could run more as well! I can't wait to see your new song running list...Run on Girl!!
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