More than half of the young pullets we bought a few months ago ended up being friggin' roosters. So, now we have a barnyard of beautiful, vocal, and increasingly testy roosters, who are discovering their sex organs at the same quick rate as their signature calls. Competition is high and, if it's not their loud and pathetic cock-a-doodle-doooooooooooos demonstrating this, it's how many sweet hens they can violate in a row.
Maybe we'll have our own Rube Cock Fights - "where cocks are permitted to fight in their own natural environments and without the confines of a ring.", charge a few bucks entry fee and sell cold cider alongside the cock ring (cock ring? hey. I sell those! Sold a few the other night even. amongst lots of other things. ). We'd have to wait a bit longer for this, because they haven't grown in their claws yet. And, without their claws, they aren't nearly dangerous enough to provide acceptable entertainment value.
Maybe we'll have our own Rube Cock Fights - "where cocks are permitted to fight in their own natural environments and without the confines of a ring.", charge a few bucks entry fee and sell cold cider alongside the cock ring (cock ring? hey. I sell those! Sold a few the other night even. amongst lots of other things. ). We'd have to wait a bit longer for this, because they haven't grown in their claws yet. And, without their claws, they aren't nearly dangerous enough to provide acceptable entertainment value.

I kind of want to keep some of them around. I think they're absolutely magnificent-looking creatures and their cocky attitude appeals to me, too. ( I AM a rooster, in Chinese astrology, afterall). I could do without the lewd and violent sexual acts, however, and there will have to be some sort of rule established about "no cock-a-doodle-dooing before 10 am". (and maybe they could post the same memo for Julio, seeing as how they all live together - he's one of the worst pre-morning noise offenders on the farm).
But then B.Rube read this little story in this huge book about a rooster who jumped up and stabbed a toddler in the eye with his claw, blinding the young child.
And, just like that, the roosters are on their way to auction in the morning, where fate will lay its next egg for them.
(Should I educate him on the alarmingly high rate of goose attacks on children?) (cuz our goslings can no longer be considered goslings. They are now formally geese.)
Wow- the sex flows freely on the farm eh? LOL
I think B.Rube shouldn't know about any animal assults...you may not have any farm life left. LOL
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