In his quest for uniqueness and continued variety in his animal-gathering, B.Rube arrived home from the auction yesterday with this guy. He's a Golden Pheasant apparently. I know nothing about them really.
Other than the fact that he's pretty damn beautiful.

way to go, B. Rube!!! you are definitely fulfilling the variety quota on the farm! what an incredibly beautiful and colourful creature. any potential names, yet?
perhaps Little Richard or Liberace or Elton after some other flamboyant birds!!!
I like Little Richard, cuz I can call him Dick for short. and THAT'S always a good outlet.
Little Richard it is.
A-Wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop-bam-boo
Tutti Frutti, all over rootie,.....
A-wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop bam boo
I got a gal, named Sue,
She knows just what to do. .....
I've been to the east, I've been to the west, but
she's the gal
That I love the best.
Tutti Frutti, all over rootie,....
A-wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop bam boo
I have a feeling that Little Richard is gonna be particularly special to Gramma S. Rube!!!
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