It is your day. Who'd have thunk that you'd even live to see 40? I mean, with all that reckless living you've been doing!
But, you did. And you're here. And you're 40. Holy shit.
(that means I'm not that far behind you. yikes. no, better yet, YIKES!!!)
And you look like you're 28, anyway. You know you do. Even when you smile.
Listen. I'm thrilled that we've reconnected in this way. I'm thrilled to have you in my life. We've seen each other through a couple decades of living and moved across the continent together. And it's wonderful to know that you're still there. And to know that you'll always be there. You're a good friend. Good friends bring out the best in each other. And we do.

I can't wait to party this weekend. All weekend.
I know that you will have relinquished all restraint and will be in TOP form. Be prepared to shake a booty, ride a bull, grind the pole and play air guitar, all in one night.
Happy Birthday, bella!!
Happy Birthday Thelma....and welcome to the 40ish club.
What a wonderful birthday to you.
If it weren't so late at night I would...
SQUEAL with the absolute delight of being the feature of your beautiful blog entry for yesterday
ROAR with laughter at the image of the vintage birthday girl in her party frock and kinda dead eyes despite the smile (am I the only one seeing this? - BTW I was thinking of wearing something like this tomorrow night...what do you think?!)
JUMP in the car and drive over to your place to get this party started (tomorrow is going to just draaaaaag by)!
RAISE a glass in a toast to you and to the spirits who brought us together in the first place and who reminded us how amazing we are to and for each other.
in the meantime; in this late hour I will instead
SMILE because I simply can't help myself!
ohmigosh, Marti!!!! we are going to have FUN, FUN, FUN!
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