I don't eat beets very often. In fact, I think I've had them about 3 or 4 times in my whole life. I didn't like them when I was a kid, but I recall my mom making them. My dad probably grew them in his veggie garden. The few times I've had them as an adult I really liked them. B.Rube had some recently and requested them for dinner the other night.
So, I boiled up some beets and we thoroughly enjoyed them for dinner. As did little T.Rube (aka Garbage Disposal).
Well....the next morning I experienced a good bout of shock accompanying my 'morning movement'. I gasped for a moment, convinced I was dying from blood loss out the rectum, and then remembered that I had eaten the beets. I ran to the computer, after attempting to flush (we're having some major flushing issues lately and I knew this likely hadn't worked well) and washing my hands. I googled "red stool after beets" and was reassured that I was not dying; that I had something called BEETURIA. Surprisingly, only 10-14% of people experience this ( I thought everyone would!) and it is suspected that it is due to a lack of iron, a recessive gene, short small intestine, problematic levels of oxalic acid in your system or any malabsorption issue. In other words, they don't really know. My urine wasn't affected at all; only my stool. (and has continued to be affected for three days following consumption!)
A short while later, S.Rube came into the living room from the bathroom with a confused look on her face.
She says, " Mommy, do you have your period in the toilet or someping?"
I couldn't help but laugh out loud, and remember that my little girl is growing up.
Well -- if anything is gonna happen -- it's gonna happen to you Miss J.Rube.
I think I'm going to call you
12% for short.
I love beats....and have my whole life. Especially in a salad with thousand island dressing...yummy yummy yummy.
J.Rube -- many thanks for NOT sharing the "Post Beet" picture.
So, you love "beats", eh?
I don't think that me and my readers need to know about your sordid sex life, okay?
Oh, and you have to know that I certainly considered the photo opportunity.
But, you get the picture even without the picture.
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