And yesterday was no exception.
I kinda went in thinking that I wanted a change. After the red wig that I got to wear as Poison Ivy a few weeks ago, I realized that I was a bit tired of the bleached out blonde. So, in preparation for my appointment yesterday, I went to to see what might suit me well.
I was able to choose from over 100 hairstyles from Hollywood's most popular stars.
You HAVE to try this. It was freakin' HILARIOUS.
Here are a few of my favourites....
(Can you guess whose hair I have on?)

How did I leave the salon? Well.... not all that different than before. And certainly not like any of the pictures above.
EDITED TO ADD: (for you, Sue!)
Say away from Beyonce's hair!
I like the first one at the top.
You look like Tori Spelling in the last one.
I want pictures of the new hair. Stop holding out.
I am laughing my ass off J. Rube.
You kill me...hysterical.
Oh and....if it's not broke don't fix it. I like your current color...
and there are those biceps again!! Gotta teach S.Rube how to use the camera!!!
most excellent!
I will be spending some time on there soon for sure!
excellent pic of you btw!
does anyone know a good vet...?!!!!!
I think that anonymous (is that you mama p.?) is just jealous of your pipes!
yer dead sexy!
I know. I know.
My pythons are SICK!!!!!!!
Dear I drank it all and then some and didn't puke.
ROTFLMAO --- yeah, you got me.
Love those biceps...
Your hair....and your pythons...are very impressive...LOL
Your hair is always terrific...always has been ....
Well...other than the perm in grade 6....and oh ya...the time the hair you pulled out grew back....LOL
I have some great pictures of our hair prior to discovering hair products and styling tools...
Thank god we figured it out!!! LOL
Once we did there was no turning back...
Your hair...and your personality...and that hot sick body are beautiful...
40 really is the new 20.
Love ya
awwwww Magnolia!!!!!
You have me crying here. Thanks so much for that little hairy trip down memory lane. And for all the shmushy lovin'.
I love you too!!
(and for bringing up the fact that I used to pull out my hair... )
I like the dark hair. Very mysterious!
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